Where you install your radiator can make a noticeable difference, and there are many misconceptions about the effect the location can have. So, we've put together a "Do & Don't" list to help with your radiator choices and interior design decisions.
Do place your radiator under a window
There’s a common misconception about having radiators underneath windows. People quite often believe that the convection within the room is adversely affected, or a large amount of the heat is lost.
This isn’t true; positioning below windows targets any cold drafts that come in, effectively creating a blanket of warmth that blocks cold air from altering the temperature of the room.
Don't put it behind the curtains
As you can see in the diagram above, radiators work on convection currents and anything that gets in the way of that prevents the radiator from efficiently and consistently heating the room - even tucking curtains behind can interfere with the flow, or have the heat absorbed into them.
By keeping your radiator in an open space, you ensure that the flow of air cycles in the way that the radiator is designed to deal with. This increases efficiency and decreases the time taken to warm the room, as well as the effect on your pocket.
The key point here is to keep your radiators away from the curtains to ensure good airflow, efficient heating and reduced energy costs.
Do consider spacing before buying a radiator
Buying a radiator with great visual appeal can mean that you'll be more inclined to give it the space it needs to work properly and won't feel the area is wasted, or given over to something purely functional. This helps the radiator, the room and your fuel bills. Some even make the radiator a feature of the room (e.g. with cast iron or multisec raw).
With so many dimensional options available, a radiator can easily be positioned in just about any available space. There are even options on the minimum distance or gap between the radiator and the wall (wall-to-face), and decorative slip-on feet if you place it directly on the floor.
You can see examples of these decorative fittings and feet here: Accessories.
For walls that have less space, models like the Fitzrovia Vertical will work great and look attractive in either white or anthracite.
Don't obstruct your radiator
It's quite common these days for living rooms to commit space to larger family sofas, for example, which can then end up blocking the radiator; leading heat to be absorbed by the back of the sofa instead of circulating around the room.
Much the same as putting your radiator behind the curtains, placing furniture, plants or other household items in front of your radiator blocks the spread of heat and the convection effect within the room; which could increase the time it takes to heat the space.
Since more time means extending the use of your radiator, this knocks on to the bottom line of your energy bills. By making sure there are no obstructions in front of your radiator, you can feel assured that your modern heating system is effectively heating your room without taking more time than it should need (according to the BTU rating, for example)